12:12 Sacred Soul Self - Way of the Fae


This essence is a call to “Higher Self” awakening.

If you have been drawn to this bottle, you are ready for a big shift in your life. All that does not serve your higher purpose will now fall away. Anything that stands in your way of your true path will be removed. But hold faith, as your True Path holds everything that you need (and desire).


And so, I am heightened in my light

Aware of all awakened consciousness in sight

A being of light ,sound and true

Uplifted in vibration and frequency, born anew

Here to be an instrument of peace on this earth

My light uplifts the energies of all and triggers rebirth

Pure heart, pure love and in compassion I stand

I call for higher love to flood this land

Essences: Lily of the Valley, Temples of Egypt “Abu Simbel” (Divine mind), Western Hounds Tongue and Amethyst.

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