Heavens Scent Aura Spray - Way of the Fae


Heavens Scent is a beautiful mix of Blue Lotus, Rose and Frankincense oils.

Blue Lotus is for the mind as it repels thoughts that would normally stick and have you dwelling in negativity. It assists in helping you to rise above emotional imbalances, and frees you from the influences of other more dominant energies in your life. It is an oil that assists with freedom and ascension.

Frankincense connects you with your own Soul’s wisdom

Rose oil connects you with your Sacred Self; your heart and Soul


I am awakening this day and this night

All that is of my highest light and insight

A vision unfolds a truth is told

Magical revelations await, a sight to behold

Bringing peace, love and miracles I see

Uplifting, empowering and instructing me

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